April 17-19 2020 | Virtual Hackathon

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HackTAMS will be split up into two different sections: design-athon and hackathon. The design-athon is intended to allow anyone, including people who do not have any CS or engineering experience, a chance to win! All you have to do is come up with an amazing idea and design a simple flyer or website. What really counts for this category is the idea and presentation/pitch. There will be workshops where you can learn new skills, game events for everybody to relax and have fun, guest speakers to share their experiences, and guest judges from our wonderful TAMS staff! We hope to see you there and stay safe everyone!


Friday, April 17

8:00 pm
Opening Ceremony (hacking starts)
9:00 pm
Slideshow Karaoke

Saturday, April 18

9:00 am
EchoAR: Build better AR/VR/3D apps
10:00 am
Intro to GitHub
11:00 am
Web Dev Workshop, build and deploy your first website
12:00 pm
!Light - Build a website without looking!
2:00 pm
Intro to Python Skills for AI Workshop
3:00 pm
Dylan Macalinao: Product Management
4:00 pm
Scribbleio Activity
5:30 pm
Jason He: Magnetic ResonanCS: AI for Healthcare
6:00 pm
Paul Newton: Mainframes and Master the Mainframe
7:00 pm
Alexander Price: Google Pay and UPI in India
8:00 pm
Hack the Technical Interview: Algorithms Practice
9:00 pm
Pokemon Showdown Tournament

Sunday, April 19

12:00 am
Microsoft Paint with Bob Ross
9:00 am
Submissions due on Devpost
12:00 pm
Closing ceremony


Alexander Price

Alexander Price from Google

Topics: Google Pay and UPI in India

Dylan Macalinao

Dylan Macalinao from OKCoin

Topic: Product Management

Paul Newton

Paul Newton from IBM

Topics: Mainframes and Master the Mainframe

Jason He

Jason He from HeartVista.AI

Topic: Magnetic ResonanCS, AI for Healthcare


echoAR logo


What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is an event where you make something from scratch in a certain allotted time. It can be anything from hardware to machine learning. By participating in this event, you are able to develop your programming skills, and if you don't know how to program, learn how to code.

How long is this hackathon? How should I spend my time?

This is a 36-hour hackathon. The event will start Friday evening and will end Sunday morning. Most people spend the first night coming up with ideas, participating in fun activities, and forming teams. On Saturday, hackers start to make their ideas functional. They also attend the numerous workshops that are planned throughout the day where hackers can learn new skills that might help them in their projects (Full schedule will be released soon). Lots of people work throughout the second night to get their projects finished. Sunday is for last-minute polish and recording the demo video. And congrats! You just finished a 36-hour hackathon!

Can I work in a team?

Yes! You are able to work on a project as a team. Team sizes are capped at 4. If you want a team but don't have one, we will be providing a Discord channel where you can talk with other people who also want to form a team.

What if I've never been to a hackathon before?

Hackathons are a great place to learn and grow. We will be providing workshops throughout the event as well as support if you need it. Don't worry, there will be many other people who have never done a hackathon before. There will be a category just for beginners so you don't have to worry about competing against experienced hackers!

Can I participate if I am an incoming junior?

Yes! We encourage you to participate if you are an incoming junior in order to meet your classmates as well as your seniors. We will have a Discord channel dedicated to finding teammates once we can closer to the event.

Are you offering prizes?

Yes. They are here



Meet the team

Ben Wang

Ben Wang

Anthony Zhou

Anthony Zhou

Competitions Coordinator
Jon Choi

Jon Choi

Volunteering Coordinator
Michael Zhao

Michael Zhao

Pranoy Dutta

Pranoy Dutta
